
What is DRED?

DRED stands for 'Demand Response Enabling Device'. 

DRED provides a method by which a controlling authority, most likely a power supply company, can limit the amount of power that an air conditioner can consume in comparison to its nominal full load power consumption. The aim is to reduce overall power consumption to the supply network at critical peak load times. A ripple is passed down the power supply which triggers a response. Not dissimilar to what some power companies do when controlling peak demand  for electric water heaters in New Zealand.

DRED is capable of demanding three different levels of response from the air conditioner, identified as DRM1, DRM2 and DRM3. 
DRM1 which is 'compressor off' is the minimum required to meet the Australian standard AS4755.3.1.
DRM2 must not exceed 50% of Capacity kW
DRM3 must not exceed 75% of Capacity kW

Most manufacturer's have been gradually including this facility in their new products. 

All  new Temperzone units that include a UC6 or UC7 Controller are DRED:DRM1 compliant.

Temperzone has a DRED module which is designed to fit any older temperzone units installed with an Outdoor Unit Controller (OUC) version 5, or older, and thereby make it compliant with the Australian standard AS4755.3.1.

We are not aware of any power supply companies who have chosen to utilise this form of peak control just yet.


More than 60 years of Temperature Control

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