High induction swirl diffuser with manually adjustable discharge direction and discharge pattern, for installation flush with ceiling or free-hanging.
Volume flow rate
- 20 – 330 L/s (75 – 1200 m³/h)
Nominal size
Discharge height
- Flat metal face with inset rectangular plastic swirl vanes.
- Suitable for VAV airflow, including turndown to 30% to 35% with low temperature supply (Tsupply ≈ 8 °C), where ∆Tsupply-room ≤ 16 K.
- Swirl vanes individually adjustable from room (vertical, horizontal, closed)
- 3-way blow (270°) or 2-way blow (2x90° or 180°) patterns available by closing relevant swirl vanes.
- Square face standard, circular optionally available.